How to Blend-In, Yet Stand-Out!

I received an e-mail from a reader stating that this concept of “standing-out” is problematic, specifically at work and in the business world, she wanted to know, “…How do you blend-in?”

Truth be told, she asked a great question.  

Why do I say this?

Because if you stand-out too much, you will be ostracized, and you will likely never make significant progress in the business world.  

Fitting-in appropriately is not only important to success, it is absolutely essential – you must be the “right” fit for the position, group, customer, or level that you desire to achieve.

However, and with the same token, if you don’t stand-out, you will never be noticed, and you will never be appreciated, recognized, and rewarded for your uniqueness, your talent, and your authenticity. There’s a balance that must be struck.  This article is dedicated to those who are trying to find that balance.

The Goal

The goal is to be so pliable that you’re able to adapt to any environment without compromising the essence of who you are.  In other words, you should blend-in so much that you’re accepted, but you should stand-out so much that you’re authentic. You should blend-in so much that you’re not shunned, and yet you should stand-out so much that people appreciate your difference.

The key is to be comfortable in your skin, yet have reverence for the environment that you’re in. This is not about “selling out” and being “fake,” it’s about understanding protocol and the rules of engagement.

The Business World is Laced with Protocol

While you may feel comfortable coming to work in your pajamas, you will probably not blend-in sufficiently enough to justify that being a good idea. Yes, you have to be “you,” but it’s important that you are the highest most developed version of yourself in order to succeed in the business world.


This doesn’t mean that we should all be dressed alike and speak the same, like little automatons, because that wouldn’t be authentic at all. It does mean that we must fit the environment that we’re in…with the most authentic version of ourselves.

You Have to be True to You

Just because Steve Jobs presented at Macworld in jeans and a turtleneck, doesn’t mean that the next person should. What’s true for you, is not always true for me, and yet there are some things that are true for everyone. What works for Joe is not necessarily what will work for Sally. There is no perfect way to do anything, and yet, this has to be balanced with some level of orthodoxy. We can all agree that whoever presents at Macworld should be wearing some clothes, no matter how comfortable they are naked, or how well they think they can pull it off.  There’s a protocol in every environment that must be understood and followed if you are to be successful.

Work to understand the requisite protocol, and then be your authentic self within the boundaries of that protocol.

So how do you blend-in, and yet stand-out?

1. You can do it with your attire.  You can follow etiquette, and yet adorn yourself in a way that is true to you and your personality.

2. You can do it with your behavior.  You can do what the group is doing, but you can do it in your own unique way, a way that you’re comfortable conducting yourself and your business.

3. You can do it with your voice.  You can be loud, or quiet, in a way that’s true to you, and the list goes on and on, and yet the goal remains the same: you must balance authenticity with accuracy of behavior according to your present environment.

In short, when it comes to business, in order to succeed, you must always blend-in…but you must never fail to stand-out.